Updating the Web Site

Some of you may have noticed that the website has gone through a significant update. I had grown tired of the "all black, all the time" look of my previous website design and I wanted to brighten it up. I also wanted to focus more on selling books and less on my infrequently updated blog.To that end, I've switched to the lighter blue design with a slider bar on top and the last three blog entries group together just below. The slider bar contains links to my books on Lulu and Amazon and it works well. It just might be a little too big.My next step will be the increase my promotional activities and try to sell more books this year. I hope that I can convince you all to take a chance on me.Other than that, work on the Canvasser is going well. The challenge with a screenplay is that you only have 120 pages to write but you put a lot more effort into those pages as everything has to be laser-focused. It's been a good experience and I'm hoping to wrap it up soon. TTYL.


The Canvasser: The Protagonists


The Canvasser: Clean Cut Humour - A Blast from the Past