

Hi everyone. Work on E:COTN is continuing at a rapid pace. I should have the latest draft ready for my editor by December 1st. It's a lot of work but the vast improvements in the manuscript have made it all worthwhile.In the meantime, I would take a timeout to give a shout out to a charity fundraiser that I'm participating in. It's called Movember and unless you've been living under a rock you know that its an fundraiser where men raise money for prostate cancer by growing a moustache for a month. It's hideous. It's manly. It's movember. 1 in 6 men will be affected by prostate cancer during his lifetime so the least we can do is grow some facial hair, have some laughs and donated some money.Anyway, you can view my movember profile at for more information. If you would like to contribute to men's health, then you can click on the "Donate to me" link at the top of the page. Thanks again for your support and I hope to have some new posts soon.


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